Social behaviour
The acquisition of social skills enables children to engage successfully in peer relationships and friendship networks. Mastering these skills plays an important role during development and has long-term effects on individual well-being, self-esteem, positive engagement, problem solving skills and resilience1, 2. In turn, peer relationships offer opportunities for acquiring social norms and learning new social skills3-5.
There are many facets of social skills. Prosocial behaviour describes a positive interaction with people through helping, sharing, cooperating, and comforting other impacting on peer relationships6, 7. Infants, as early as two years of age, have been shown to help, comfort, share, and cooperate with others8, 9. It is thought that young children express a “ready prosociality”9, irrespective of reward. This behaviour may reflect an early biological mechanism that, as an evolutionary advantageous social strategy, facilitates the response to early social cues8 and supports the development of first peer relationships4. While prosocial skills involve behaviour that benefits others, peer problems indicate the rejection by peers10. Children with peer problems have no ‘good’ friends, are ‘not liked’ or ‘harassed’ by other children11. Peer problems have been associated with aggressive, hyperactive and/or oppositional behaviour, but children with peer problems might also be socially withdrawn and less sociable than others4. However, the behavioural spectrum of social skills associated with friendship networks changes during childhood and adolescence, as distinct developmental stages1 may draw out different genetic propensities12.
In this genome-wide association meta-analysis we aim to identify genetic variants (and their changes) that affect social behaviour during early childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Therefore, we combine genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics across different social traits, different ages, different raters and sex.
Study information
Social behaviour scores included in this study were assessed using various validated instruments (Table 1). If you have any questions about the study or would like to participate, please contact Beate St Pourcain (
Table 1: Psychological instruments assessing social behaviour
Scale | Short | Instruments |
Prosocial behaviour (coded as low prosociality) | PB | Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)11 Revised Rutter Parent Scale for Preschool Children (RR)14 |
Peer problems | PP | Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)11 |
Social competence | SCBE | Social competence and behaviour evaluation15 |
Pervasive developmental problems | PDP | Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)16 for the age of 1.5-5 years |
Social problems | SP | Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)17 for the age of 6-18 years
Teacher’s report form of CBCL (TRF) for teacher ratings Youth Self Report (YSR) |
Adjustment | A | Multidimensional Peer Nomination Inventory (MPNI)18, 19 |
Peer rejection and acceptance | PR | Berkeley Puppet Interview (BPI) |
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Lead analysts:
Fenja Schlag (
Lucía de Hoyos (
Daniëlle Admiraal (
Lead PI:
Beate St Pourcain (
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
The Netherlands